Had ice form on my bike clothes while riding in the morning during the winter
Celebrated the passage of time (my oldest daughter turned 21) with a bunch of women in SF & later in the year drank a shot with her & went dancing
Saw my son play college lacrosse
Puked while on a bike ride previewing a course (a touch of the flu, but still…)
Completed both short and longer distance Sprint Triathlons
Lost 3 toenails from running in one race (it was hot & shoes too short)
Finished Olympic Distance Triathlon, despite long week of no sleep
Note: 3 goals of having fun, finishing and not puking were accomplished in all events (but not previewing courses with a touch of the stomach flu, obviously)
Went to Wisconsin & then a road trip to Nashville w/ sister & family (& saw all the states in between)
Ate at the Cracker Barrel on ^ above mentioned road trip, got only slightly sick to my stomach (I see a theme is developing here)
Was given a new moniker “Gin Kitty” by my nephew (did not involve gin, btw)
Ran my first trail run
Joined a writing group
Started a blog
Got up at 5:30 to run 2-3 mornings a week with like-minded friends
Had my first “professional matchmaker” date, and liked the guy enough to go out and become friends
Rode my old mountain bike on crazy switchbacks in Tahoe & ate dirt
Rode a rented mountain bike on The Flume Trail in Tahoe & hugged granite
Swam pretty darn far in Lake Tahoe, no wetsuit
Biked up Old Hwy 40, followed by swim in Donner Lake
Used a paddle board, loved it
Completed a ride down the Truckee River w/ entire family & saved mom/grandma from getting dumped
Completed first bike tour down the CA coast visiting organic farms & learning it's about the journey
Pitched a one-man tent
Took a flippin cold “bath” in creek
Completed first ½ marathon while chatting w/ a friend, (we all wore costumes which involved pearls, fishnets, feathers and skirts, even the men)
Attended 2 day Treasure Island music festival w/16 year old daughter & was only 46 year old in sight
Experienced my first road rash, damn pinecone
Rode bike in rain with Gortex jacket (I am now a believer in Gortex)
Learned that butterfly feelings can still exist, even at age 46 & contrary to what others may say
Wore a size 6 again, and it was baggy
Shoveled a snowy driveway
Drove while it was snowing w/ chains
Snow shoeing at Taylor Creek
Developed my first chafing & bleeding from running, sports bra band was involved (had body butter, just forgot to use it)
Ran up to 15 miles with dorky fuel belt no less
Grew a wee bit wiser in the ways of love and relationships