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I am a daughter, sister, mother, teacher and friend. These are my stories.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Today I found out the woman whom I have always thought epitomizes the very essence of grace has breast cancer.

Growing up we were fortunate to have a wide circle of friends surrounding our family. It included branches born from buds from my siblings and myself of synchronized swimmers, coaches, parents, neighbors, football players, Castro Valley families. Other offshoots included friends of my dad and mom. One particular branch was unique and continues to be so because it includes friends from my dad's youth: his elementary school, high school or the military. George is a member of this extended and far-reaching limb. George is married to Nancy. Quite simply, Nancy is a saint.

Nancy is a saint for many reasons. One is her incredible faith, despite having experience some very poignant losses and challenges in her lifetime . Her daughter Ingra was one such loss, as a toddler. If you go to her house you would see a few black and white photos of her sprinkled throughout. She was a beautiful little girl and you can still feel the combination of both love and loss. Nancy also had a sister with Down Syndrome whom Nancy would warmly share stories, chuckling as she did so. Clearly she loved her sister. She is married to a stubborn and proud husband, referred to as "Georgie" by Nancy. She softens that man somehow and remains steadfast serving as their anchor while he has aged. She has three amazing adult children who are following in their mother's footsteps.

She radiates beauty. Glows. If  you met her, you would never forget. She is both elegant and regal while also being Earthy. In our home, we sometimes referred to her as "Saint Nancy." I remember as a child I was in a phase where I would constantly say, "Oh God" at the beginning or end of many sentences, as was my newly-formed habit. One summer Nancy and her family were coming to join us in Tahoe for a shared vacation. My dad told me that Nancy might be offended, as a Christian woman, if I were to say, "Oh God." I did not say it the entire week we were together and promptly refrained from saying it afterward too. Even today, if I slip, I think of Nancy.

She is a role model. Even with cancer. In typical Saint Nancy fashion she has tackled the news with an amazing attitude as she begins to undergo the treatment. To my mom she stated both her doctors were "young, very smart and beautiful."

She is one of the most faithful, upbeat women I know. She is full of grace. Even now. Somehow I just know that means something.

I can't help but think of my cousin's wife, also named Nancy, and also eerily recently diagnosed with cancer. She has the most upbeat attitude. You can't help but catch her contagious positive energy when you are near this woman. She is a teacher and not just by her chosen profession. She teaches by example with her infectious amazing personality.

Both named Nancy. Both courageous. Both examples. Both full of grace.

It seems unfair somehow. It feels as though there must be some kind of mistake. But not in their minds. They continue to just be. To shine. Amazing beacons of light.

But if I know anything about these two Nancy's it's this: They are strong women and living life gracefully. And they are loved.

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